How do I create a poll?

You can create polls within both topics and answers. The process is as follows:

  1. Start by creating a topic or press ‘Reply’ under an existing topic. The editor opens, and here you can write a heading - either as the title of the topic, or directly in the text field:

  2. Press the gear and then ‘Create poll’:

  3. In the window that opens, you can specify whether it should be possible to select a single option or several. If you select several, you can also specify the minimum number of options your users must specify and the maximum number of options they can specify. You can also tap the gear to see even more options.

  4. When you have configured your poll, press ‘Insert poll’, after which the poll will automatically be inserted into the subject/answer as markdown code.

  5. If everything looks right, press ‘Create Topic’/‘Answer’ and your vote is ready :slight_smile: